Sunday, February 28, 2010


Terlebih dahulu dengan kebesaran Allah S.W.T yang Maha Mencipta segala kejadian alam dan Maha Mengkehendaki, marilah kita sama-sama menghadiahkan AL-FATEHAH buat Allahyarham Adik Syafia Humairah Sahari... AL-FATEHAH..!!! Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di dalam peliharaan-Nya.

Ada lagi kes bunuh dan dera kanak-kanak!!!... Rasa bagaikan mahu gugur jantung ini tatkala menonton kisah kanak-kanak malang itu "diterajang, dipukul, ditendang sehingga menemui ajal" yang dipaparkan dalam berita-berita perdana media elektronik malam tadi (Sabtu; 27 Feb 2010).... Memang JAHANAM...!!! Hari ini semua dada akhbar tempatan menyiarkan kisah yang sama dengan liputan yang lebih meluas....

Aduhai Adik Syafia..!!! Apalah dosa kamu sayang, sehingga dirimu diperlakukan sebegitu... Sudahlah dirimu terbiar tanpa perlindungan insan yang bernama AYAH... Kurangnya kasih sayang... Entah makan atau tidak, entah tidur selesa atau tidak... Tapi kini jasadmu sudahpun bersatu dengan asal usul kejadianmu... Apalah malang nasibmu Adik Syafia.... Semoga rohmu tenang dan aman dalam Syurga Allah SWT... Insya Allah...

Wahai manusia...!!!! Sedarkah atau tidak... Nyawa kita semua ini, tak ubah seperti nyawa haiwan atau binatang... Kalau dulu kita selalu dengar, orang mati sebab sakit atau kemalangan...(sememangnya ajal, maut, jodoh, pertemuan adalah ketentuan Tuhan...) Tapi kini, nyawa seorang yang bernama INSAN yang diciptakan oleh Tuhan dengan seribu keagungan dan dilengkapi AKAL, sudah tidak lagi selamat... Sebabnya, sudah ada dan telah ramai haiwan-haiwan yang punyai akal kini mengganas di sini dan sana...

Haiwan-haiwan ini ada rambut, ada mata dan semua lengkap seperti sifat manusia... Berjalan dengan berkaki dua.. Kalau makan, tau pula basuh tangan... Apatah lagi lalu membuang air besar.. tau pula cebok sebab geli dan kotor... Tapi, langsung tidak punyai akal sebagai manusia yang sebenar kerana sanggup buang nyawa orang lain...

Manusia sebegini memang bodoh...!!! Memang bodoh...!!! Memang bodoh...!!! Tuhan mencipta akal menerusi otak yang letaknya di atas kepala... Tapi kenapa dengan bodohnya, otak bagaikan diletak di tapak kaki... Menzalimi kanak-kanak yang tidak tahu menahu, yang lemah, yang aib, yang memerlukan... Bodoh.....!!!!

Ketika di zaman Rasullah SAW sekalipun, antara golongan yang dijaga ketika peperangan ialah; kanak-kanak, wanita dan warga tua... Tapi kini, nyawa seorang kanak-kanak tak ubah seperti nyawa seekor ayam yang dilanggar di tepi jalan... Aduhh... sadisnya dengan apa yang dilihat di kaca televisyen malam tadi.... Beruntunglah kau Syafia, dengan apa yang kamu hadapi sekarang ini akan memberikanmu pembalasan SYURGA oleh Allah SWT.. Insya-Allah..

Bacalah apa yang dipaparkan ini:





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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


'I don't want to die without scars' (Tyler Durden)

Just now while I was looking for inspirational quotes, I come across Tyler Durden's brilliant cue. I was guessing and playing with the meaning from various perspectives. I’d also try to define the quote with Malay direct translation,

'I don't want to die without scars'. = 'Saya tidak mahu mati tanpa luka / calar'.

Yeah it’s the figurative meaning and rationally make sense. This thought had rhyme myself about the issue of misunderstood. U are given a new knowledge / situation, but you don’t have in-depth knowledge about it. Instead of asking other people & learn it, you feel so egoistic to interpret it ur own way and misunderstood. This is common attitude of our Malay and we should prove our worthy.

The literal meaning of Tyler Durden's quote is (from my personal & limited knowledge) :

A person should not go through a wasted life, doing formatted thing like robot & become kiasu (looser) . Instead, the person should explore knowledge and gain new thing as farthest as possible (scar symbolize experience), to increase self actualization & pride. In Malay words, it is something simillar with...

'...Kekalahan itu boleh dibanggakan, jika anda kalah dengan cara yang bermaruah...'

This issue refresh my memory about our local actress, Sharifah Amani misquote during a prestigious award ceremony. Amani said "I sound silly / stupid when I speak in Malay". She received serious complaints from many people through media. For me, she is both innocent & guilty. Innocent because what she really meant was "she sounds funny talking in Malay (because she uses English in daily life)" and not prepared to use Malay language spontaneously to converse with the partner host. (Anyway, prestigious award were attended by quite educated people & well-verse in English double meaning. I supposed those offended people understand Amani's intention or irrationally sensitive?)

Guilty because she sounds harsh. It would be better if during that time, she explain in good manner explaining to everybody that she's not good in Malay or other acceptable excuses.

To all fellow readers, some of 'our people' have typical and prejudice mind on new things. From ideology, culture, to language and ridiculous issue. The recent incident of 'The usage of Allah name by the Christian' had erupted most of moslem temper. We call ourselves an educated people, but yet-at some parts we react in uncivilized manners. to the extent of throwing arsons to the church. But a peaceful and unity anthem of Malaysia remind us to gain mutual understanding rite? So, why not discuss and have a diplomatic agreement? The September 11 issue & other global Islamic issue had already tarnished our religion great reputation. Thus, don't make it clear that we are terrorist indeed.

Some of our moslem people said they practice the true Islam lifestyle, to the extent of throwing arson to church is label as jihad. Oh dear, have they forgotten the basic sabda of our great prophet Muhammad PBUH which reminds, when a moslem is in jihad (war/battle to protect Islam), they can fight, conquers land & seize the property - but strictly do not harm the any child, women & old/weak people; do not demolish their religious sacred place. Those are factual, so don't become extremist only to serve personal egoistic & destroy the good name of Islam. We are perceived negatively by the international investor & speculator. I'm not on either side; it could be misunderstanding so make a rational/ professional resolution.

Hence, If Che’ Det had the phrase ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’, myself as humble & unknown person would like to emphasize Melayu ku, Jangan Cepat Melatah...!’

p.s>> my fren add up "sanggup mati esok (dengan cara bermaruah), lbh baik daripada hidup lama (umur panjang) tp jd insan yg dihina oleh masyarakat & dilaknat Tuhan".

Panas statement tu...awas ye..!!!

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Of BBQ & Business Minded

Satay, Mutton & Chicken Meat, Potato, Sausages,
put on grilled fire = BBQ.

Last Saturday (20 February 2010), we made a home gathering through a nice barbecue treats. We realize some of our dear friends were busy with their works and hardly have quality time together. The nawaitu is 'to tighten the loosed bond'/ mengeratkan silaturrahim' and also to enjoy la!.Haha.

Roughly, we bought 5 whole-chicken meat and other stuff as well. Our attendances that nite was only about 15 people, i'm worried if there will be leftover food. But thank god when i realize among our circle of friends, there are few 'big eaters & large appetite' which makes them the most eligible candidates for buffet. Haha. (No offense! Positive thing rite?) I'm satisfied coz all of them compliment all the BBQ's food taste good. Much thanx to Shahri for being such reliable chef. Even the Bandung Soda drinks were simply fabulous. Along that, smoking sisha becomes a nice package of cool gathering. Layan je...macam nak endless nite klu bley.

Actually, we don't really have a well-planned BBQ, just a mere discussion & surprisingly it turns out as expected, smoothly ends well. Yeah, my friends were reputable organizer of corporate & prestigious events. They are well trained with good cooperation & creativity. Klu suruh diaorg bt BBQ camni, spontan je blh jln. Sorry dear readers if u feel annoyed, but that's the fact of real world : birth-gifted talent are special but doesn't last. U need knowledge + skills + experience + goodwill + Godwilling to survive & success.

This occasion could be perceived as simple mingling session : people-attend, eat, chat & leave. But if we used the rare opportunities to utilize it as a platform to get new info updates (beside gossips), exchange idea & even forgiving among them. It would be precious rite...
X paham? Ok..contohnya, pertama - bila ada majlis camni dapat update tentang kawan yg dah kawin atau yg dah lost contact. Kedua, dalam majlis camni apa2 isu yg kita ada, kawan2 akan bg pendapat dan cadangan. Ketiga, majlis camni bg kita happy dan lupa salah paham antara kawan2.

In larger scope, this gathering is applied when doing business with the three objectives above. Corporate dinner, media familiarization, press conference, reunion, awards ceremony, CSR philantrophics & many more. This concept could be a leisure or even great chance to reach business clarification, reputation positioning & social networking.

Gosh, from a BBQ story to business minded..sorry guys if i divert too far.

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Migrain adalah sakit kepala yang dirasakan pada sebahagian kepala atau pada bahagian tertentu sama ada di atas, belakang atau tepi bahagian kepala. Ia dirasakan berdenyut-denyut disertai dengan rasa mual, muntah dan alah kepada pancaran cahaya atau bunyi. Biasanya tanda-tanda awal serangan migrain; pening, mata berpinar-pinar atau mata menjadi kabur secara tiba-tiba.

Penyakit migrain biasanya berpunca akibat tekanan atau perubahan cuaca panas atau sejuk, tekanan atau kepenatan fizikal yang melampau, makan yang tidak teratur atau minum minuman berais. Menurut pendapat beberapa pakar perubatan, migrain disebabkan oleh penyempitan pembuluh darah di otak sehingga oksigen gagal disalurkan ke bahagian kepala dengan baik. Keadaan ini menimbulkan rasa pening dan sakit yang berdenyut-denyut.

Jenis-jenis migrain :
Migrain umum
Migrain klasik
Migrain abdominal
Migrain hormonal
Migrain acephalgic
Migrain retinal
Migrain lain yang jarang dijumpai

Punca migrain :
Tekanan emosional
Tekanan fizikal
Diet Makanan

Kaedah rawatan (ubatan) :
Immediate relief
- ubat penahan sakit
- ubat khusus untuk migrain
(ubat-ubat ini hanya untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit tetapi tidak menghilangkan penyakit migrain)

Kaedah rawatan lain (alternatif) :
- akupuntur
- refleksiologi
- homeopati
- terapi fizikal
- relaksasi / pernafasan
- penambahan vitamin dan mineral
- ubatan herba
- pemeriksaan gigi (gigi yang rosak secara umum boleh menyebabkan sakit kepala)

Kaedah rawatan preventif :
- serothinin antagonists
- calcium
- anti deppresants
- memperbaiki jaringan saraf dan peredaran darah

Tips mengatasi migrain :
1. Menghadkan pemakanan dan makan secara teratur. Perempuan yang menghadapi migrain sebelum haid perlu mengurangkan pengambilan garam kerana garam boleh menyebabkan fluid retention.

2. Pengurangan stres seperti senaman yang kerap dan teratur dan mengamalkan teknik untuk mengurangkan berat badan.

3. Kenakan benda yang panas seperti menggunakan botol air panas ke tempat yang sakit.

4. Kenakan benda yang sejuk seperti beg yang mngandungi ais.

5. Amalkan pemakanan dan tidur yang teratur.

6. Baring di tempat yang gelap dan senyap pada permulaan migrain.

7. Refleksologi (urut saraf kaki).

8. Basahkan dari kaki ke badan dahulu baru ke kepala bila hendak mandi.

9. Rawatan menggunakan ubat-ubatan ataupun herba- herba.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010



Badannya tidak tinggi tetapi tetap tegap dan kuat berkerja. Pada badannya banyak bulu, suka bergaul, bersemangat dan bercita-cita, menjadikan dia seorang pemimpin .Dia lebih suka mengarah, berani dan suka menjelajah. Dia tidak tekun, dia lebih suka memulakan sesuatu tetapi kemudian menyuruh orang lain menyelesaikan kerja itu.

Dia mementingkan lahiriah dan mudah bergaul tetapi agak kurang keyakinan ,terutamanya dari segi daya penarik, dia mungkin risau kerana tubuhnya kecil misalnya, kerana ini dia biasanya mencari kawan yang kualitinya kurang berbanding dirinya dan ini juga menyebabkan dia mudah cemburu dan kurang yakin dalam hubungan dengan wanita.

Di samping itu dia merupakan seorang yang panas baran maka selalulah timbul keributan dalam hal berkasih sayang. Nafsu syahwatnya tinggi ,dan apabila mendapat teman hidup ,dia adalah kekasih yang bersemangat dan bernafsu.

Padanya cinta adalah amat penting ,kerana dia benci hidup keseorangan ,dan kerana dia merasa bangga ada orang yang sanggup menyerahkan jiwa raga kepadanya. Ketika mula bercinta dia baik hati ,mudah jenaka dan bersukaria tetapi apabila telah lama berkenalan, dia selalu menyakitkan hati, curiga dan marah-marah.

Dia adalah lelaki yang agak kurus , tingginya serderhana , bahunya agak lebar, bulu keningnya panjang dan cantik , dan dahinya luas , matanya nampak sedih tetapi lembut , dan ini menarik perhatian wanita . Sifatnya amat berhati-hati , nafsu syahwatnya rendah , dan kerana ini , dia kelihatan tidak pasti, dan seolah-olah kekasih yang tertahan-tahan.

Dia adalah lelaki yang mementingkan kebijaksanaan. Dia mahukan kesempurnaan , sentiasa mahu mengawal , dan jarang sekali terbawa oleh cinta . Dia mengkritik dan mengadu. Dia juga agak mementingkan hal-hal yang halus terperinci , juga beradab, dan ini menjadikannya pasangan yang setia dan mengambil berat .

Dia akan mengkahwini wanita yang ada wang dan yang boleh membantunya secukupnya . Sifat bimbangnya membuatkannya sukar bertenang apabila berpasangan , dan ini menjadikan dia kekasih yang kurang memuaskan , dan dia cepat sekali menyalahkan orang lain walaupun dia sebenarnya bersalah .Dia juga mengambil berat mengenai kesihatan dan kecergasannya.

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Chinese Slang & Funny Rhyme

Besides this blog ( is shared by us, Shahri himself had already established previously with his own blog ( He had made a post on basic daily conversation of Javanese language.

Hence, i am encouraged to make a Online Mandarin Basic Conversations. But, the Cantonese humor on the side of this entry (Double Click on image to get a full view) is not what the teachings looks like..don't worry k.

I am expecting to post entry about HuaYu (Mandarin) before next week. Hope my blog viewers can understand the teaser above. I hope this blog will be such a 'Fa Kin Su Pah'. Till then...Zai Jian.

( alamamr )

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


During October 2009 I was busy with my works and juggling time with my studies. That was just a few months ago rite? In the middle of those hectic life, i feel so stress & urge to release it. While i was writing on a B5 size hardcover book, my eyes took a glance at my old rug jeans. My little brain blinks a bulb & i had this silly idea of creativity. Following my motherhood instinct (haha!)..i took the jeans rite away, mark the booksize with ruler and pen, cut it properly and attached them with double tape. For a 'cincai' job...i complete the book-jacket around 30 minutes. This is what it looks like.
(Double-click on image to view full size)

The story continues...
A few months after i proudly bring that cool book almost everywhere, Shahri saw it & felt lovely to get a book like that. I have another old jeans & i did promise him to make a jacket book. (But, everyone was aware that i have this 'penyakit' which is 'MALAS' and procrastinate my job. So they don't force me and find alternative solution. The theory is : 1st premis = either wait till i have the gut to do it or, 2nd premis = they volunteer to do it.) As usual, Shahri give up on waiting for me to do it, so he use the 2nd theory & insist to do it himself. Exactly, last nite while my friend & I were busy doing our academic research, Shahri join us but get in his own world, creating a master-piece jacket book. Knowing him as a disclipline, particular & efficient guy, he manage to replicate another jacket book.
Not just that, his version is far more better & stylo. Gosh i'm so jealous.Haha. Have a look at his creation. (Double-click on image to view full size)

P.S : I would like share some quote. The story above definitely are not significant to our dear viewers, but to share with you some philosophy behind all that. Just imagine that i am representing the Malay nation and Shahri is the outsider. I (the Malay) have a gifted talent of crafting something but i don't optimize the job.

Later on, when Shahri (The Outsider) saw me and realize the potential of my product. Because he (The Outsider) is hardworking & ambitious, he re-design my product & even improvise it. And i react as typical malay, whereas, i cannot accept the fact that he is better than me (he is better managing my skills), i just get jealous & mad, but does not sees the symbolic interpretation behind it.

Hope all my fellow friend read this and digest it with the nation's perspective & had the initiative to be a better man everyday.

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Hey dude...What's with The Pose.?

I'm surfing through the net yesterday and pass by a picture that reminds me of Shahri...
Funny isn't it?
Maybe one of them tried to catch up on the other.
But the boy next to the Blogger (Shahri) is unrelated.
Just a mere anonymous and random pic that tickles me.
Anyway, just a silly question, i found few people did the same posture, i wonder why? does it look so cool?

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Credits to the contributors from PR MassComm,
UiTM Shah Alam 2009 :

M.Abdullah Azam, Nur Hanis Che' Ismal & M.Iqram Marzuki

Malaysia Media System

According to Mohd. Safar Hashim in his book, Akhbar dan Kuasa; The British had a great influence on the development of print and broadcasting in Malaysia, as well as the laws related to its press. British interests introduced the press to Malaysia 200 years ago, and created a press system based on laws and regulations. The first newspaper, the Government Gazette, was published on March 1, 1806. Following the practice in the three East India Company presidencies in India, the editor had to submit their content to be check and approved by the officer before it is legally allowed to publish the circulation.

Media Law

Media law covers an area of law which involves media, and stretches over various legal fields. Media law is a legal field that refers to the following:
  • Telecommunications
  • Information Technology
  • Defamation
  • Broadcasting
  • Copyright
  • Advertising
  • Confidentiality
  • Contempt
  • Privacy
  • Censorship
  • Firm law
  • Freedom of information
  • Internet & on-line services

Media Freedom

Media Freedom does exist in Malaysia, but in different form. Dr. Mahathir proclaims that freedom is necessary in any areas but it should come along with the limitation. This is in line with the Malaysia labeled as the govern-democratic country. Democracy means allowing the people to have the right and freedom to participate in action. But the rights and freedom should not be taken as free think rights. Instead, it should be balance between rights; freedom and responsibility are equal to an adequate democracy. The dilemma faced by our country is when they give too much press freedom will create unhealthy society but too much restriction will be against the principal of democratic country. Even though the government gives limited freedom to press, they still allowed them to give advice and critic to improve the government service for the public.


According Mohd. Safar Hashim in his book, Mahathir dan Akhbar, in Print machine & Publishing Act 1984, there are two important document need to be owned by the printing and newspaper publisher in Malaysia, the owning license and keeping the printing machine, and the second is the permit to print and publish newspaper and magazine. This license requirement started ever since Prince of Wales Gazette (Government Gazette) was published by A.B.Bone in Penang (1806). The governor of Prince of Wales Island, Philip Dundas approved with some condition It stated that Mr.Bone is allowed to establish a printing and publishing if he allied with the government (gatekeeping and controlling), and under close supervision of the State Secretary which has the right to add or remove any information. This rooted when the press law are enforced at the three presidential area, under the authority of East India Company (Bengal, Madras,Bombay) in India.

Ruling Class

The term ruling class refers to the social class of a given society that decides upon and sets that society's political policy. According to Livingston, (1939) there are two classes of people appear, a class that rules and a class that is ruled. The first class always the less numerous, performs all political functions, monopolized power and enjoys the advantage that power brings whereas the second, the more numerous class is directed and controlled by the first in a manner that now more or less legal, now more or less arbitrary and violent and supplies the first.

The ruling class is a particular sector of the upper class that adheres to quite specific circumstances whereby it has both the most material wealth and the most widespread influence over all the other classes, and it chooses to actively exercise that power to shape the direction of a locality, a country, and the world. In Marxist political economics, the ruling class refers to that segment or class of society that has the most economic and political power. Under capitalism, the ruling class (the capitalists or bourgeoisie) consists of those who own and control the means of production and thus are able to dominate and exploit the working class, getting them to labor enough to produce surplus-value, the basis for profits, interest, and rent (property income). This property income can be used to accumulate more power, to extend class domination further.

Classical example of ruling power can be seen during the reign of the previous Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. Whereby, the power was increasingly concentrated in the hand of executives bodies, ahead of the other estates. (legislative and judiciary). He succeeded the plan due to his knowledge and experience, which allow him to undisputedly govern the country for more than 23 years.

Narrowing the scope to the managing the youth to support the government aspiration, Tun Dr. Mahathir had imposed the Act called AUKU - ‘Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti’ (University and College University Act). According to Azizan Mat (1998) in his book ‘Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti: satu analisis terhadap persepsi dan pendapat masyarakat umum di Malaysia’.The law was introduced and geared by the great former prime minister Tun Mahathir Mohamed during his time as the Education Minister in the seventies.This is the long term planning of Dr. Mahathir to control the mentality of new generation. He worried that those graduates that are exposed to bad influence tend to go against government in the future. This act was then amended several times to suit the recent scenario. The motive for this act basically is to forbid university students from being radically involved in politics, with the concern that they can focus more on their studies.

But this AUKU does not stop us from being exposed to the politics. But with a great freedom comes a great limitation. If according to our federal constitution, article 10, gives us the power to the freedom of speech and expression, and at the same time provided by the provision in the federal constitution there are limitation to it. The law acts as a control mechanism to stop people from abusing their freedom and also protect other people. It forbids a person from causing havoc, so that other people who are not involved will not be hurt. This type of hegemony is using statutory prohibition to form the immunity of the ruling class (government). Around the year 2008, the minister in the Ministry Division, Datuk Seri Mohd. Nazri Aziz said that the AUKU is not anymore applicable among the higher institutions, thus appealing to the MT-‘Majlis Tertinggi’ (Supreme Council) to remove it.

Status Quo

Status quo is the notions of culture industry, of the productions and manipulations of needs and desire, of consuming subjects that are unable to define their needs, subjected to the powers that manipulate the public into acceptance of a static status quo. (by Gramsci in Holub R.,1992).

In a word, status quo tells about the owning of power in certain class (institution such as government, media, family, educational system) and the effort to maintain it. Concerning about status quo issue, it can be considered broad and differ, as the usage is varied depending on the situation context.


Hegemony is a term founded by Sir Antonio Gramsci (1971). It defines the power of dominant class to indirectly control the subordinates in terms of culture, politic and economy in their nation. Foundationally, it evolves around the alliance in classes, power bloc and unequal treatment (e.g: propaganda bias). Psychologically, the hegemony is a set of culture that help the upper ruling class to unite the subordinate to support and participate in their agenda. They properly inject the mentality by persuasion and not forcing. In other word, hegemony has the approach to turn class ideology into common sense. Thus, it does not seem like dictator but more to following the law and order. This is essential as the daily activities are organized according to hegemony to maintain stability and sovereignty. This will lead to another term called homeostasis, a process to maintain the normal situation. It tells about how a person’s played his role and represents his need the most.

Internal Security Act (ISA)


On October 1981 two journalists, Datuk Aziz Ahmad and Halim Mahmood were arrested under Internal Security Act (ISA). The second case happens in October 1987 when three local newspapers (The Star, Watan and Sin Chew Jit Poh) publication is being suspended under Internal Security Act (ISA) accusation. On 27 September 1986 the foreign reporter is affected, whereby the Wall Street Journal visa had been cancel and suspend by Malaysian government.

the government had taken those precautious steps towards the accused due to some considerations. The idea of those deviants might have some sentiment that threats the country’s stability in terms of racial issue, social inequality or betraying the country. Thus, the government had foreseen the most appropriate action to hinder those efforts. The rapid plan will stop the issue from spreading to the constituencies and influencing their mentality to misjudge the government action. In addition, they will avoid more severe mislead controversy and tarnishing the country reputation in the global view.

Action Taken:
it is undeniable that the ruling class (government) needs to maintain their power and status quo. The existence of these kinds of threats will weaken their immunity, and so they apply the law as their effort to control the matters. Such law as Internal Security Act (ISA) is one ultimate power that is capable to isolate the perpetrator from inflicting the conspiracy to the public. This ISA is a solution which comes under the plan of repressive apparatus state. Whereby, it is the idea of the ruling class (government) to control the country away from trouble. This law enforcement also indirectly informs the people to respect the constitutional and government authorities.

Official Secret Act (OSA)

According to the book Akhbar & Kuasa by Mohd Safar Hashim, Official Secret Act or OSA in Malaysia was not the really a genuine one because it was adapted from British in 1911. The British started using OSA since 1889 and the first OSA was passed by the British parliament in the same year. The major objects of OSA were to provide stronger measures against the leakage of official information by civil servants. Another aim was too dealt with espionage or spying; “foreign agent” includes any person who is or has been or is reasonably suspected of being or having been employed by a foreign country or any organization within or without Malaysia either directly or indirectly for the purpose of committing the act.
There are six areas of information that is protected, which are:
  1. intelligence
  2. defense
  3. International relationship
  4. crime and investigatory powers
  5. information resulting from unauthorized disclosure and
  6. information entrusted in confidence to other state or international organizations.

The recent person charged under ISA
(RAJA PETRA RAJA KAMARUDDIN, the infamous blogger).

His current post was the Editor, Malaysia Today website blogger, this 49 years old guy had been married and own 5 childrens. He came from the Selangor royal family, as the nephew of the late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. He received an early education at Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) & Victoria Institution. Due to the surrounding exposure, he is said to be a proactive person who are interested in the local political arena and law. At his adult age, RPK is a very supportive member of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

The chronology of the case :

11/04/2001 :
RPK was arrested under ISA for alleged plotting to overthrow then Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad and then he was released after 52 days.

23/07/2003 :
Muhammad Muhammad Taib, UMNO Information Chief, lodged a police report against Malaysia Today owner, Raja Petra Kamal. The blogger responded by releasing an article that insult the Yang Di Pertuan Agong, degrade Islam and incite hatred and violence between local ethnic groups.

06/05/2008 :
On this date, he was charged upon "Sedition Act 1948" over an article titled "Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell" which published in his blog on 25/04/2008, this will carries a maximum fine for RM5,000 or 3 years jail or both upon conviction.

09/05/2008 – but somehow, he was released with the bail of RM5,000

16/07/2009 :
Arrested and charged with criminal defamation linked to allegations in his statutory declaration on 16/06/2008 that implicated Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and two others were Lt Col Aziz Buyong and wife Norhayati Hassan in the murder of Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaariibuu and was bail by his wife amount RM2,000 - each charged under section 500 of the Penal Code which carries a maximum 2 years jail or fined or both on conviction.

12/09/2008 :
Finally, he was arrested under section 73(1) of ISA, police detained him on suspected of being involved in "activities which could threaten national security" and been send to Kem Kamunting for imprisonment.

From this case, it is affirmed that the ruling class had the authority to put off any person that try to pull them backwards. The ISA is the last resort to solve the matter once and for all without any hesitation. Moreover, the existence of borderless internet access (blog) had made the country’s security at risk. This is because the fraud had found this modus operand (internet) to be effectively reaching the society. The emergence of alternative media had diffused the hegemony structure in Malaysia towards a more aggressive mode. This had made the government aware of the threats and take prevention plan to counter this issue. Although there is no specific media law to charge the bloggers, but there were still other law (such as MCMC, ISA and OSA) that can affect the offender.

The Printing Presses and Publications Act

Referring to the book Akhbar & Kuasa by Mohd Safar Hashim, the legislation that affects the press the most in Malaysia is the Printing and Publications Act, 1984. This Act provides vast powers to the Home Minister to grant or to withdraw printing licenses. It was amended in 1987, adding further curbs on the freedom of the Press.

Section 22 – the authority of responsible minister towards press and publication, to restrain upon printing, publishing, selling, distributing and subversive document ownership.
Applications for all printing and publishing licenses are made yearly, and the Home Affair Minister has absolute power to suspend or revoke a license or permit, with no obligations to give a reason.

Furthermore, the suspension or revocation may not be challenged in the court. In addition, it gives power to the government to control the import of foreign publication that perceives as prejudicial to nation interest, public order and bilateral relations.
For example, in the year 2000, the series of crackdown on the media took place following Malay support for the opposition in the 1999 General Elections. The Malay magazines Detik, Ekslusif, and Al-Wasilah were in effect banned, through the non renewal of publication permit. Simultaneously, the publication of Harakah (PAS’s party organization) was reduced from eight issues per month to two issues.

The example of case falls under Printing, Presses and Publication Act was the newspaper Sarawak Tribune covered the news regarding a controversial issue of scrutinizing the Prophet. Originally, the issue started when a Danish Newspaper had come up with a caricature insulting the Prophet Muhammad, portraying him as a coward. This is the respond towards the labeling of Islam as terrorist and war issue.

the Sarawak Tribune is well-established local newspaper, with good reputation. The controversial issue that they created can be viewed in a few perspectives. Technically, they are making a good coverage by reproducing the international issue to inform the local Malaysian. This is a great idea to stay ahead from other press regarding newsworthiness. On the other hand, evaluating it from ethical view, the publication of the news had offended the pride of Muslim in Malaysia. In a way, it had goes against the constitutional, whereby it is a must to respect the religion and sensitive issue.

Action Taken:
the government realized that the public already threw bundle of complaints, accusing that the regulatory body overlook in executing their censorship responsibility. As a resolution, the government representative had meet with the Sarawak Tribune editor to get an explanation and ask him to make public apologize. At the end, to satisfy the public, the government had decided to ban the publication of Sarawak Tribune Newspaper by pull back the permit.

Ideological State Apparatuses and Repressive State Apparatuses

The ideological state apparatuses define by Louis Althusser (by Antonio Gramsci in the book Hegemony and Power, R.Holub) is about the main concepts on the issues such as conditions of production, structures of society, the theory of the state, the role of individual, and the definitions and functions of ISA, which include the family, the media, religious organizations and, most importantly, the education system, as well as the received ideas they propagate. In other words in order to reproduce its productive power Althusser proposes a discussion on the relationship of the State and the subjects link between belief and action, for example Islam belief in God which is ALLAH by doing what is stated in the Al-Quran and follow the Prophet Nabi Muhammad. The next thesis posits that ideology does not exist in the form of "ideas" or conscious "representations" in the "minds" of individuals. Rather, ideology consists of the actions and behaviours of bodies governed by their disposition within material apparatuses.

The repressive state apparatus comes after the ideological state apparatuses. At times when individuals and groups pose a threat to the dominant order the state (ruling power) invokes Repressive State Apparatuses. The most compassionate of the RSAs are the systems of law and courts where putatively public contractual language is invoked in order to govern individual and collective behavior. As threats to the dominant order mount, the state turns to increasingly physical and severe measures: incarceration, police force and ultimately military intervention are used in response.

The Chemistry of Ruling Class, Hegemony & Status Quo

All the media law institution revolves around the manipulation of hegemony. It explains how the ruling class uses the law to maintain the existing status quo. In order to ensure that the society to obey them, at the initial stage, they will introduce their ideological state apparatus. This manifesto is the set of agenda that is instilled in the people’s mind through the media channels, all the time. Later on, this will construct the psychological state of the people to believe and put trust on them.

This will result to an accelerate application of the government plan (per se) and receive positive participation from citizen. But somehow, due to the information superhighway (internet), there will be minor group of people that enquire something beyond their rights. And due to the lack of substantial information, they tend to interpret it wrongly (most of the time) and break the law. These deviant wanted their opinion to be accepted, thus making effort to influence the people around them.

The government then will apply the Repressive State Apparatus, (tools to control the people), which in Malaysia are similar to Internal Security Act (ISA) and Official Secret Act (OSA). The act is closely related to media industry, and it has ultimate power granted from the constitution to the Ministry of Home Affairs. It owns an ultimate power to seized anybody that is accused, which have the intention to threaten the sovereignty of the country, without any warrant or court trial.

Book References
  • Adam Watson, (2007) Hegemony & History, London: Routledge
  • Azizan Mat, Akta Universiti & Kolej Universiti : Satu Analisis Terhadap Persepsi & Pendapat Masyarakat Umum di Malaysia
  • Brian Shoup, (2008), Conflict & Cooperation in Multi-Ethnic States : Institutional Incentives, Myths & Counter-Balancing
  • Chomsky,(2004), Hegemony or Survival : America's Quest for Global Dominance (first edition) Crows Nest, N.S. : Allen & Unw, 2003
  • Edward H. Crane, (1985), Beyond the Status Quo, edited by David Boaz ,Washington: Cato Institute
  • John Agnew,(2005), Hegemony : The New Shape of Global Power, Philadelphia: Temple University Press
  • K. Umapathy Setty,(1977), Librarianship : Changes or Status Quo, New Delhi: Vikas
  • Livingston, (1980), The Ruling Class: Elementi di Scienza Political, edited and revised with an introduction, New York: McGraw-Hill Book
  • Mohd. Safar Hashim, (1996), Akhbar dan Kuasa, Utusan Publication and Distributor sdn. bhd.
  • Mohd. Safar Hashim, (1996),Mahathir Dan Akhbar, Utusan Publication and Distributor sdn. bhd.
  • Mohd. Safar Hashim, (2002), Mengenal Undang-Undang Media & Siber, Utusan Publication and Distributor sdn. bhd.
  • Ray Kiely, (2007),The New Political Economy of Development : Globalization, Imperialism, Hegemony
  • Renate Holub (1992), Antonio Gramsci : Beyond Marxism & Postmodernism, London : Routledge, 1992

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Isu kebanjiran atau lambakan pekerja asing di negara kita bukanlah satu isu yang baharu... Malah pernah diperkatakan, diperdebat dan menjadi bahan bualan masyarakat sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu... Saban masa, ada sahaja tangkapan dan serbuan dibuat terhadap Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (PATI) yang membolosi negara ini secara haram... Angkanya, janganlah dikira... Malam tangkap, tengah hari hantar pulang dan bila petang dah sampai semula ke negara ini...

Mana tidaknya, mereka terpaksa menyeludup masuk secara haram ke negara kita yang diibaratkan sebagai mangkuk rezeki ini sangat-sangat memerlukan pekerjaan bagi mendapatkan wang untuk keluarga di negara asal... Bukan salah mereka, ibarat semut jika ditaburkan gula... akan ke gula juga datangnya... Tujuan mereka semata-mata mencari perlindungan dan sara diri untuk menampung beban tanggungan yang terus meningkat... Lebih-lebih lagi jalan masuk ke negara ini (secara haram) memang banyak dari Perlis sampailah ke Johor dan dari utara Sabah hinggalah ke selatan Sarawak... Pantang sahaja ada laluan gelap, di situlah pendaratan mereka... Hendak melalui jalan sah, banyak pula prosedur yang perlu dipenuhi... Nama pun sudah undang-undang, banyaklah ragam dan karenahnya jika diikuti dengan betul... Jalan mudah dan murah bagi mereka, masuk secara haram...

Bukanlah dikatakan undang-undang imigresen di negara kita longgar dan ketidakcekapan pemantauan di pintu-pintu masuk sempadan... Kalau diberi peluang memantau kawasan yang seluas Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak tentulah tidak terjaga rasanya... Kasihan juga kepada anggota-anggota keselamatan yang selama ini berdepan dengan pendatang-pendatang asing licik ini... Bukanlah 24 jam hendak menyelinap setiap inci pantai dan dataran yang menjadi pilihan pendatang ini untuk masuk... Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul... Banyak lagi kerja-kerja lain yang boleh dilunaskan, jika tidak bersengkang mata mengawal pantai dan dataran...

Apa-apapun, pihak pasukan keselamatan kita sudah melakukan yang terbaik... Bagaimanapun, kita harus lebih berwaspada... Air yang tenang juga jangan disangka tiada buaya.... Perkara yang pernah dikaitkan dengan mereka, jangan pula dipandang ringan... Ingat sebelum terkena lagi...


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A legacy cliché that has been discussed ever since the age of time. It might be a dogmatism from Islamic practice, but nevertheless, scientifically Halal concept is a neutral and how we manage our body system. It combines the idea of nutritional intakes and also the practice of healthy lifestyle. the profession can be apply by anybody regardless of their unrelated with Islam. More and more followers had fully accepted the callings to practice Halal Ideology.

Technically, Halal derives from Arabic words and the terms simply means allowed/ permitted food, eateries (untouchable thing such as animal : babi (pig/swine) and others related, liquids : arak (alcohol) and other drinks that purposely makes a person unconscious/ out of control), penyalahgunaan dadah (drug abuse) and other self-damaging substance.

Anything that is against Halal boundaries is considered Haram (illegal) and will be sinful for a moslem to proceed with the action. In between the Halal and Haram, there are Syubhah (undefined) issue that currently appear and not mentioned in the Syara’. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Fatwa (Islamic Law Council) to clarify the status of that issue.

Literally, to look beyond the plain definition of Halal, the actions of a moslem that goes against the Islamic Syara’ (rules) is also against the Halal code of ethic. This specifically means the immoral action and unethical value such as bribery/ corruption, premarital sex, and other attitude related issue that portray a personality of a moslem.

This is just a raw commentaries of the topic. To explain in depth will be such scripted and typical. Anyway, in our dearest country, Malaysia – the people and authorities hand in hand exercising a standardize Halal concept. The JAKIM (local Islamic Department & Development Centre), HDC (Halal Development Center). Malaysia had made a benchmark as we already become the Halal Hub on product and services (import/ export, R&D, and referential) in this region and also reaching U.S. and Australia.

To share a sneek peek on the Halal topics, do visit the links that I stated below.



Current Halal updates on dailies:





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My dear friend...
If u have a problem,
Come to me,
Maybe i can't solve it,
But u can share with me...

If u feel like crying...
Come to me,
Maybe i can't make u laugh,
But, i can cry with u...

If u need to talk...
Come to me,
Maybe i can't understand,
But, i can be a good listener...

If u are sad...
Come to me,
Maybe i can't cheer u up,
But, i can be with u all the way...

If one day...
u can't come to me,
Don't worry,
I'll be there for u...

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Kemana perginya pertimbangan waras mahluk yang bernama MANUSIA... atau lebih mulia disebut-sebut kononnya bernama INSAN.... Mana letakknya akal fikiran MANUSIA & INSAN ini sehingga sanggup lupa akan hukum ALLAH SWT dan norma kehidupan untuk menghargai sebuah kehidupan yang diciptakan oleh TUHAN...

Masih lagi tertulis kalam akhbar, kisah anak-anak kecil (bayi) yang tidak berdosa zahir dan batinnya.... dibuang (lebih tepat sekali DIBUNUH) atau lebih zalim lagi telah diinjak kebatasan hukum kehidupannya; diperkosa atau diliwat....

Aduhh... sakit rasanya jantung hati ini setiap kali menatap kalam akhbar menceritakan kepedihan dan keperitan sang bayi diperlakukan umpama haiwan... Bahkan rasanya, haiwan pun tidak memperlakukan sedemikian terhadap anak-anak generasinya.... Belaian sang haiwan terhadap anak-anaknya tiada galang gantinya....

Wahai MANUSIA...!!! Wahai INSAN...!!! sujudlah dan ruku'lah kepada ALLAH SWT dan lihatkan kebutaan mata hati kita semua dengan apa yang berlaku.... Mereka (bayi dan anak-anak kecil) adalah masa depan kita semua...


Cuba fikirkan sendiri (layari pautan di bawah ini):





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